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+ Use of the Special Binding Materials
+ Library Policies for Book Recommendations
+ Suggest a Purchase of Library Materials
+ Selected New Book Information for Recommendation
+ Library Donations Guidelines
+ Library Receipt Procedure for Newly Acquired Materials Purchased by Academic Departments
+ Periodical Recommendation
+ Using Media Center collection
+ Course Reserve for Media Materials
+ Online Audio Libary
+ Online English Learning & Testing Services
+ Photography Copy Services
+ Borrowing A/V Materials for Club/Department Activities
+ Study Carrel
+ Group Study Room
+ Auditorium
+ Group Viewing Room
+ Bulletin for Auditorium
+ Conference Center
+ Conference Center Calendar
+ Art Gallery
+ Art Gallery Calendar
+ Training Room
+ Outdoor spaces
+ Filming or Photography Applications
+ Deutsche Bibliothek
+ Prayer and Meditation Space
+ Lobby on the First Floor
+ Atrium on the Fourth Floor
+ Multifunctional Area on the First Floor
+ LibRE on the First Floor
+ OA APC Service
+ NCKU OA APC Subsidy
+ ACS OA Free
+ BMC OA 15% off
+ ELSEVIER OA 15% off
+ IEEE OA 20% off
+ IOP OA Free
+ PNAS OA discount
+ RSC OA Free/15% off
+ RUP OA Free
Interlibrary Loan
+ Interlibrary Loan Service
+ Q & A
+ Nationwide Document Delivery Service (NDDS)
+ RapidILL, Service of Express Document Delivery
+ Interlibrary Borrowing Service
+ Reference Consultation Service
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+ Library Activities
+ Library Information for New Faculties
+ Register ORCID and Permit NCKU for further use
+ Google Scholar Citations Profile
+ LinkedIn-Professional Community Platform
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+ Library Student Assistant Application From
+ Patrons Complaints Handling Procedure
© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2024-07-27