Contact:Collection Management and Circulation Services Division|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65760 or 65763|Email
Service Targets
  1. NCKU faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate seniors enrolled in a thesis class.
  2. Experts or scholars invited by NCKU
  1. Users may reserve a room online or presenting an application at the Circulation Desk. 14 carrels can be reserved up to one week in advance, and it is not allowed for the same user to book multiple rooms in the same time slot.
  2. The carrel reservations for the 7th day are available online from midnight every day.
  3. 2 carrels cannot be reserved online and are available on a first come, first served basis. Users may take a number card at the entrance before the library is open. One person is limited to take a number card a day.
  4. After the library is open, users should wait for calls and collect the access key with their NCKU ID cards at the Library Circulation Desk. Undergraduate seniors should submit an enrollment document of thesis class. Those who fail to show up on time or lose their number cards may result in the cancellation of their booking.
  5. A user could only require one study carrel one time for a day.
  6. Unneeded reservation must be cancelled prior to the scheduled time via online booking system or Circulation Desk. Violation of this policy may result in suspension of library space booking privileges.
Important Notes
  • Users should collect the access key within 20 minutes of the scheduled time with their NCKU ID cards at the Library Circulation Desk on 1F. Those who fail to show up on time may result in the cancellation of their booking.
  • Failure to collect a key up to 3 times within a month will be subject to a month suspension of library space booking privileges.
  • Smoking, eating, drinking, making excessive noise and other improper behaviors are strictly prohibited in the study carrels. Any violators shall be deprived of the right to use a study carrel immediately and be punished according to the “National Cheng Kung University Library Rules for Reader Violations”.
  • Before leaving the room, users are required to return the room to its original setting and return the access key to the Circulation Desk. Users shall pay a processing fee of NT$ 100 every day for the unreturned key.
  • Users who leave temporally should personally have their valuables safeguarded and the door locked and the key handed to the Circulation Desk.
  • Users shall take responsibility for any damage to materials or facilities as a result of improper use.
  • For any missing and damage of the key, user is responsible for all replacement cost of the key.
© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2025-02-09