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Google Scholar Citations Profile

Google Scholar is one of the important tools used by many researchers. By setting up personal Google Scholar Citations Profile, the authors are able to help the searchers find specific articles of researchers more precisely. Also, it can help the authors track the citations of own publications. With the track about cited contents, cited charts, and counts of citations, Google Scholar Citations Profile can present complete overview of personal academic achievement.

Google Scholar Citations Profile Setting up Steps
  1. Start to set up Google Scholar Citations Profile
  2. The way of editing basic information and publications list of own Google Scholar Author Profile
  3. How to search of the Google Scholar Citations Profile

Please visit the Google Scholar Websites for more information.

More Discussion

In order to decrease the trouble when searching for the scholarly of different authors with the same names, besides Google Scholar Citations Systems, there are several systems in the academia providing similar functions. For examples, ORCID is just like the researcher’s ID number, the ResearcherID system provided by Thomson Reuters is helpful for identifying authors, and Scopus Database sets up author ID automatically for every articles. They all can deduce the troublesome to identify different authors with the same names. Also, they make it more convenient to collect personal publications, and increase the visibility in the broad wide internet. We recommend these useful tools sincerely.

More links

Register ORCID and Permit NCKU for further use

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