• Among these walls of bookshelves, lies books by giants themselves.
  • Furniture of generations old, yet to someone they are gold.
  • Rustic portraits on the wall, were there for you to recall.
  • A century old of knowledge, anchored after a final voyage.
  • ——Deutsche Bibliothek

Centuries of German classical knowledge rest within the grasp of your hand, a treasure trove of history and human wisdom. At NCKU Main Library's 'Deutsche Bibliothek' (German Bookroom), you can immerse yourself in rare European collections without needing to travel to Germany. Nestled on the 4th floor of NCKU Main Library, the Deutsche Bibliothek opened its doors on December 16, 2017, amassing a treasury of thousands of precious German books spanning four generations, from East to West Germany.This collection has woven a remarkable connection between Germany and Taiwan. Sabina Kowalewski, director of neonatology at the University of Bonn, cherished the hope that her books would continue to inspire and be read by countless individuals. Fulfilling Sabina's wish, her devoted apprentice, Dr. Jen-her Lu, has carried forward this legacy.The precious collection of books embarked on a journey across vast oceans, ultimately finding a home in Tainan.

Reflecting the Kowalewski family's passion for literature, reverence for wisdom, intergenerational affection, and the mentor-student bond, the Deutsche Bibliothek's collection remains a source of enrichment for readers. We cordially invite you to immerse yourself in the experience of the Deutsche Bibliothek.

Service Recipients

Library visitors

Opening Hours

NCKU Main Library Opening Hours

Usage Guidelines
  • No reservation is required. Used by 2-3 person at a time.
  • Please refrain from moving the furniture.
  • Please place the book on a table after reading, do not put it back onto the bookshelf.
  • Please take your personal belongings upon leaving.
  • This space is designated for reading, please refrain from discussing and chatting.
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成功大學圖書館版權所有 | 地址:701401 台南市大學路一號 | 電話:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 傳真:(06)237-8232 | 電子郵件:em65700@email.ncku.edu.tw 更新日期: 2024-07-27