Contact:Main Library, Information Desk on 3F|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65741、65735|Email
Medical Library, Information Desk|Telephone(886)6-2353535 Ext. 5120、5148|Email

The Interlibrary Loan Service provided by the NCKU Library is a resource sharing service that allows eligible users to request items not available in the University Library. It is available to eligible users on a cost-recovery basis.

Eligible User
  • Current NCKU faculty, students and staff
  • Alumni with a valid NCKU Alumni Library Card (limited to RapidILL service)
Service Interface

The Library provides interlibrary loan service through the following two systems. You may choose according to your needs.

  • RapidILL Express Document Delivery Service
    RAPID is an organization of libraries mainly from universities in the United States dedicated to fast and cost-effective resource sharing. Request for photocopies of materials submitted through RapidILL service will be delivered often within 24 hours. If a patron needs photocopies of materials written in western languages, a request through RapidILL is preferable.
  • Nationwide Document Delivery Service (NDDS)
    An online request system that provides book loan and photocopies of materials services to all participating libraries in Taiwan.
    First-time users should register first before using the system.
    • Services provided are:
      • Photocopies
        • Journal Articles & Book Chapters.
        • Dissertations & Theses
        • Fast Document Delivery Service among 7 Universities:
          NCKU library cooperates with National Sun Yat-sen University, National Chung Cheng University, National Chung Hsing University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Chengchi University, and the Kaohsiung Medical University to provide fast interlibrary copying services. The copying fee is NT$3 per page without a processing fee. The turnaround time is about 3 working days, but most schools will fill the request on the same day. Please take advantage of this service.
      • Book Loans
    • Charges:
      • Domestic Borrowing:
        • Fees vary depending on the lending library. Most libraries charge NT$5 per page plus a NT$20 processing fee for copies.
        • Fees vary depending on the lending library. Most libraries charge NT$100 per request plus NT$70 return postage for loans.
      • International Borrowing:
        • NT$450 per request for copies.
        • NT$800 per request plus return postage for loans.
      • Above mentioned prices are the standard fee of most libraries for your reference only, as fee policies vary among libraries.
Copyright Notice
Users are obliged to comply with relevant copyright law while utilizing the materials provided by the interlibrary loan office of National Cheng Kung University library. The photocopies or reproductions are only for research, study or private use and not for any commercial purpose.
For more details about copyright law, please refer to the page of Propagation of IPRs.
Related Information
Service Policy
© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2024-07-27