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Collection Management and Circulation Services Division|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65760 or 65763|Email

To deal with patrons’ complaints effectively, NCKU library’s procedure of handling patrons’ complaints is hereby set forth. This procedure will also be helpful to assure library’s service quality and enhance patrons’ satisfaction.

Handling of fact-to-face complaints
  • Encountering with a reader’s fact-to-face complaint, the librarian should make sure what the real demand of the reader is at first. If the reader’s request is part of the business responsibility, the librarian should resolve and reply on-the-spot. If the request is beyond the business scope, the librarian should guide the reader to the specialized response division and let the librarian in charge understand the whole condition and continue the subsequent handling.
  • If it needs a longer time to deal with readers’ complaints or the reader is passionate, librarians should lead the reader to another proper place in case it bothers other readers.
  • If the frontline librarian cannot handle the complaint, the manager of the division should come forward and take over the affair.
  • If the compliant is not resolved after the talk, the reader can fill out the “NCKU Library Reader Suggestion Sheet” and the relevant divisions will have a further discussion and provide a proper resolution.
Handling of telephone complaints

As receiving readers’ complaints on the phone, the librarian should make sure what the real demand of the reader is at first. If the reader’s request is part of the business responsibility, the librarian should resolve and reply immediately. If the request is beyond the business scope, the librarian should inform readers of the extension of the response division or librarian and then transfer the phone. If possible, don’t transfer the phone too many times and don’t let readers wait on the phone for a long time.

Handling of complaints(via letters, e-mails, BBS and Web messages and other paper forms)
  • Each division should assign one librarian (at least) to check all the complaint resources above and reply to readers within three days..
  • Please visit to get more related information.
© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2025-02-09