Contact:Acquisitions & Cataloging Division|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65727 (Chinese、Japanese), 65723、65714 (Foreign)|Email
Eligible User

All NCKU faculty, staff and students

Service description
  • Funds authorized by NCKU academic departments
    • User: NCKU academic departments
    • Policy:
      1. Standard Service:"10% of the departmental allocations" or the balance after that expending on journal subscriptions and databases, will be allocated as book budget of the current fiscal year. Departments should use the form of " Book Recommendation List" for requests and both sent the Excel file and print-out list with department head’s signature to the Acquisition & Cataloging Division (Medical College please send to Kun-Yen Medical Library). We will collect all requests by the end of September. After the deadline passed, the library reserves the right to make decisions on what to purchase of the leftover funds.
      2. Rush Service:Urgent items for teaching and research are available with a rush service. This service is applied on its departmental allocations. The faculty member should fill out the form of " Application Form for Rush Purchase", get approval of the department head and then forward to the Acquisitions & Cataloging Division. We will fulfill the order for rush service by Air Mail.
      3. Recommenders, who are eligible for priority borrowing, will be notified by e-mail when your items are ready for use.
      4. For new books information, please refer to " Selected New Book Information for Recommendation".
  • Recommendation by readers
    • User: all NCKU faculty, staff and students
    • Policy:
      1. Please use "Suggest a Purchase of Library Materials" for online recommendation.
      2. All acquisitions shall be appropriate to the fulfillment of our collection development policy and be considered within the constraints of our budget
      3. The Library purchases comprehensive and general books / materials in principle. Demand for scholarly ones is subjected to be recommended by academic department with financial support.
      4. The Library conducts purchase activities based on Government Procurement Law. Therefore, the library purchases and receipt procedure should be made in bulk. Recommenders, who are eligible for priority borrowing, will be notified by e-mail when your items are ready for use.
      5. Five is the maximum number of purchase quantity limit for Chinese books, three for foreign books, and a maximum amount of NT$3,000 for multimedia materials for one person in one semester.
      6. As to the materials beyond the limit of quantity and budget, we may keep them on the waiting list and do as many appropriate purchases as possible. But the recommenders are not given priority borrowing privileges on these items.
  • Purchasing and cataloging procedure
    • The practice of library purchase activities bases on Government Procurement Law, therefore, ordering and receiving should be performed in batch processing. We cannot always make the delivery meet our reader’s expectations, but we try hard to improve the internal workflow and make newly acquired items available as soon as possible
    • For overseas acquisitions, the average turnaround time of a firm order from the placement of our orders to ready for use ranges from 3 to 4 months. (regular time period)
      Procedures for foreign items
      general workflow
      Preparing book lists (verifying duplicae, bibliographical record, price estimates...)
      0.5 month
      Ordering process (based on Government Procurement Law)
      2 month
      New arrivals in process (receiving, verification, cataloging ...)
      1~2 month(s)
      estimated delivery time
      3~4 months
    • For domestic acquisitions, the average turnaround time of a firm order from the placement of our orders to ready for use ranges from 2 to 2.5 months. (regular time period)
      Procedures for Chinese items
      general workflow
      Preparing book lists (verifying duplicae, bibliographical record, price estimates...)
      0.5 month
      Ordering process (based on Government Procurement Law)
      0.5~1 month
      New arrivals in process (receiving, verification, cataloging ...)
      1 month
      estimated delivery time
      2~2.5 months
    • The average turnaround time of a rush order is about 1-2 months for overseas acquisitions and 1-2 weeks for domestic acquisitions.
    • Rush cataloging request:Complete Application Form for Rush Cataloging to request rush cataloging and processing of a title(s) that is shown in the Library Catalog as "In Process". This request is only available for NCKU faculty who recommends the purchase.
    • Preview service for in-process item:If you are in need of an in-process item (the book is in the library but cataloging has not been completed). Bring your library / university card to the circulation counter (1F), this service can be used by NCKU students, staff and faculty during office hours.
Download the forms
Service Policy
© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2024-07-27