Contact:Knowledge Services Division|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65780|Email
E-journal:Periodicals Division|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65736|Email
Medical E-resources:Medical Library|Telephone(886)6-2353535 Ext.   5122|Email

Welcome to the e-resources of National Cheng Kung University Library. To access the system, please obey NCKU Library E-resources Use Regilations and click the links listed below. When accessing to databases, electronic journals, and e-books, the NCKU users from off campus are required to access through SSL VPN (Virtual Private Network). If any question for use, please contact to us.

E-resources Gateway includes all databases, e-journals, medical e-resources and library instruction courses in NCKU Library.

Discovery System is a one-stop search system for large amounts of print and online content, including books, ebooks, articles, book reviews, videos, course reserves, conference papers, dissertations, and more. And results can be sorted, facet-filtered, guided to full-text, exported citations and more personal service.

© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2025-01-14