Contact:Collection Management and Circulation Services Division|(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65760 or 65763|
Service Recipients
NCKU faculty members, staffs, student and users holding a library card.
Service Content
Users eligible for borrowing library materials and the number of items they can borrow are as follows:
Full-time faculty and doctors: 80 volumes (Please make additional application if users have special requests).
Part-time faculty and doctors: 30 volumes (Please make additional application if users have special requests).
Staffs/Affiliated Tainan Industrial Senior High School of NCKU faculty members:30 volumes.
Graduate students: 50 volumes.
Undergraduate students:30 volumes.
Affiliated Senior Industrial Vocational Continuing Education High School of NCKU/ Affiliated Tainan Industrial Senior High School of NCKU students: 10 volumes.
Retirees: 20 volumes.
Alumni: 10 volumes.
*Users mentioned above are subjected to a 30 day loan period.
Library members, students from continuing education, library volunteers and temporary workers: 5 volumes, subjected to a 21 day loan period.
Inter-Library Patrons / Patrons from Educational Internship Organizations:.The agreement’s content will prevail.
Library card application for adjunct and non-full time staffs: Users who have not been registered in relevant personnel systems of the Personnel Office (including regular, contract and project staff systems) may provide their NCKU employment certificate, guarantee form for borrowing and returning books issued by their employment department and one passport photo to apply for a library card at the library.
Important Notes
Users must have a “valid reader” status and hold a recognized and valid ID issued by the library to borrow library materials.
Users will be subjected to compensation according to "National Cheng Kung University Library Rules for Reader Violations" for the loss or damaged of borrowed library materials.
Users can view their borrowing records and return deadlines on the library webpage anytime. Users will be charged overdue fines if they fail to return materials within the loan period.
Lending of IDs to others is strictly prohibited. Depending on the severity of the situation, violations may result in suspension of library access and lending rights for 7 to 30 days for on-campus readers, and for 1 to 3 months for off-campus readers.