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  • Applicants may apply to the Library to use the venue space for teaching, research, publication, promotion, or journalistic or other purposes.
  • Applications with political, religious, or commercial agendas, and those in violation of good morals, affecting the reputation of the School, the image of the Library, or public safety will be rejected.

Those who wish to use the space of the Library for photography or filming should fill out an application form and submit it with the planning materials and scripts to the Library for approval per the below regulations beforehand:

  • Filming or photography with contents related to the National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter referred to as NCKU) should be applied for approval at least 7 days ahead.
  • Filming or photography with contents unrelated to NCKU and scripted filming sessions inside or outside NCKU should be applied for approval at least 20 days ahead.
  • Special thanks to the NCKU Library should be made explicit upon publications or displaying of the images taken. Written agreements concerning rights & obligations can be made individually for special collaboration projects.

The available time slots for filming or photography in the venue space are during the Library's opening hours from 9:00-17:00, Monday through Friday.

No access will be granted during special events and in the week prior to and during midterm and final exams.

  • Filming and photography should not interfere with the normal operation of the Library and should strictly obey the provisions of the "NCKU Library Policy for Using Library", keeping the reading area quiet and not bringing food or drinks into the reading area.
  • The use of props or equipment such as lights, tripods, rails, cantilevers, drapes, or the posting of posters or the erection of partitions shall be checked and approved by the relevant units of the Library beforehand.
  • Applicants should comply with the Copyright Act, readers' right to privacy, and laws and regulations related to portrait rights. If the rights of readers or other third parties are involved, their prior consent should be obtained.
  • The filmed images shall be used only for purposes stated for the filming, and the filming operation shall be consistent with the content stated in the application.
  • Applicants are responsible for the safety of the personnel and maintaining the cleanness and integrity of the library's property. Applicants are fully liable to restoration or compensation for damage done to the building, facilities, or objects of the Library, or to third parties. Waste from photography or filming activities should be removed by the Applicant. If there is any abandoned property, the Library may dispose of it at the expense of the Applicant.
  • Applicants are not allowed to assign or lend their filming permits to others. After permission is granted, please use valid personal identification card to exchange for film permits will be given to related personnel at the information desk at the day of filming or photography, and must be worn throughout the filming or photography process.
  • The quiet reading area is excluded.
  • In the event of a violation of the foregoing, the Library may immediately suspend the use of its premises by the Applicant, request the person to leave the premises, and demand compensation for damages. Such Applicants will be disqualified from filing applications for one year from the date of the violation.
  • If the Library has an urgent need to use the venue space approved for photography or filming, it may notify the Applicant at least 3 days prior to the scheduled filming or photography date to cancel the use and coordinate to re-schedule a later date and time. The Applicant may not seek any other compensation or reimbursements.
  • Applicants may apply to the Library for a postponement 3 days prior to the scheduled filming or photography date. If the Applicant fails to apply for a postponement within the deadline, the Library may refuse the postponement request. However, the above shall not apply in the event of natural disasters or force majeure that prevents the Applicant's use of the venue space.

National Cheng Kung University Library Guidelines for the Management of Filming or Photography Applications in the Library

Application Form

NCKU Library Filming or Photography Application Form

© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2024-12-14