Electronic Thesis Submission:Knowledge Services Division|Telephone06-2757575 # 65784|Email
Graduation Procedure & Print Thesis Submission:Collection Management and Circulation Services Division|Telephone06-2757575 # 65760 or 65763|Email
Interlibrary Loan Service:Periodical Division|Telephone06-2757575 # 65735 or 65742
Undergraduate students
  • 1. Please return all the books and materials borrowed from NCKU Main Library and other branches (including items borrowed through interlibrary loan services), pay all overdue fines or compensation for lost or damaged books; pick up the documents or books you requested via interlibrary loan services and clear relevant service fees.
  • 2. Log in the “Online Application System for Graduation from NCKU” with your Cheng-Kung Portal account and password and print out the “Graduation Procedure Form.”
  • 3. Once printing out the "Graduation Procedure Form", you don’t need to come to the Library to handle relevant procedure, and you are not allowed to borrow books from NCKU Library anymore.
Graduate/PhD students
  • Step 1: Upload your thesis & Pass the verification
    • 1. Log in the “Theses and Dissertations of National Cheng Kung University” (the TDS system) with your Cheng-Kung Portal account and password and upload an electronic copy of your thesis. After you enter the system, please read the descriptions (e.g., “Thesis Upload” and “Upload Notice”) on the web page.
    • 2. It generally takes about 3 working days to review your thesis. You will be notified via email whether your electronic thesis has been approved or disapproved. If you have not received any notice after 3 days from your submission, please log in the TDS system to check the situation.
    • 3. After receiving the approval notice, please log in the TDS system, print out those Copyright License Agreements, and sign them by you and your advisor.
    • 4. To learn more about the electronic file format, please refer to the “Upload Notice” section on the web page of the TDS system after logging in.
    • 5. Instructional video (instructions on NCKU Thesis Upload): https://mytube.ncku.edu.tw/media.php?id=54190.
  • Step 2: Graduation Procedure & Thesis Submitting
    • 1. Please return all the books and materials borrowed from NCKU Main Library and other branches (including items borrowed through interlibrary loan services), pay all overdue fines or compensation for lost or damaged books; pick up the documents or books you requested via interlibrary loan services and clear relevant service fees.
    • 2. Log in the “Online Application System for Graduation from NCKU” with your Cheng-Kung Portal account and password and print out the “Graduation Procedure Form.”
    • 3. Come to NCKU Main Library to get stamps for graduation:
      • A. Method 1: Process at 1F Circulation Desk of the Main Library (in person or entrust others)(12:00-13:00 rest)
        Please bring the “Graduation Procedure Form” to the circulation desk on 1F of NCKU Main Library and submit the following items:
        • i. One copy of your printed thesis/dissertation (thesis in paperback/dissertation in hardback);ii. Three Copyright License Agreements in total: NCKU Print Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement, NCKU Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement, and Authorization for Public Access of Thesis/Dissertation (with both you and your advisor’s handwritten signature).
        • ii. Three Copyright License Agreements in total: NCKU Print Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement, NCKU Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement, and Authorization for Public Access of Thesis/Dissertation (with both you and your advisor’s handwritten signature).
      • B. Method 2: Process Online
        • i. Put one copy of your printed thesis/dissertation in the “Books Drop” (please collect all the required items in a paper bag or clean package and specify “For Graduation”), or send them to the Main Library (Address: No. 1, Daxue Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701401, Taiwan (R.O.C.); Title: NCKU Main Library Collection Management & Circulation Services Division; Specify: Submitting Thesis/Dissertation).
        • ii. Please then email to libexit@libmail.lib.ncku.edu.tw the electronic file of Graduation Procedure Form, NCKU Print Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement, NCKU Thesis&Dissertation Copyright License Agreement, and Authorization for Public Access of Thesis/Dissertation (Copyright License Agreements must be signed in person by the graduate and his/her advisor).
        • iii. If you cannot obtain your advisor’s signature in person:
          • (1) After signing all the Copyright License Agreements personally, scan or take a photo of them clearly and email to your advisor.
          • (2) Your advisor can print out the signed Copyright License Agreements (already include your handwritten signature) and sign them with a pen in person. After that, scan or take a photo of them and send them back to you.
          • (3) You then email the signed Copyright License Agreements to libexit@libmail.lib.ncku.edu.tw
    • 4. After the Library receive and verify your printed thesis/dissertation and Copyright License Agreements, we will stamp your “Graduation Procedure Form” and send it back to you via email.
  • 1. Students who have completed the graduation procedure between June and August can still enter the library with his/her student ID card until September 30 of that year, yet they cannot borrow books, reserve library space, or have access to e-resources outside the library.
  • 2. Privileges for alumni library card holders (https://www.lib.ncku.edu.tw/service/access/card_application.php):
With alumni library card Without alumni library card
Entering the library Scan at the gate to enter directly Use a valid personal ID card to exchange for a temporary library card
Borrowing privileges Loan Limit(items):10;Loan Period(days):30;
No privilege
Interlibrary Loan Request articles through RapidILL service No privilege
E-resources Only at library's e-Hub seats (online search area)
How to Apply Apply online or at the Main Library circulation desk with:
NCKU Alumni Card or the original copy of your diploma,national ID card, and a recent photo.
  • 1.Annual Library Card: NT$ 1,000 annually
  • 2.Lifetime Library Card: NT$ 5000 for life
  • Questions about electronic theses/dissertations: Knowledge Services Division (06-2757575#65784)
  • Questions about graduation procedure and alumni library card application: Collection Management and Circulation Services Division (06-2757575#65760 or 65763)
  • Questions about interlibrary loan service: Periodical Division (06-2757575#65735 or 65742)
成功大學圖書館版權所有 | 地址:701401 台南市大學路一號 | 電話:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 傳真:(06)237-8232 | 電子郵件:em65700@email.ncku.edu.tw 更新日期: 2024-10-06