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What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that extracts web page contents and sends them directly to the subscribed users. Once subscribing to some channels and through proper readers, you can read timely information you are interested in from, for example, news sites, Blog sites, Wiki sites, journal directories, new book announcements, and etc.

How to subscribe to RSS?

You will need a RSS reader or a browser with built-in reader installed before you can subscribe to any RSS channel/feed. After the reader is ready, surf to your favorite news sites or websites. In these news sites or other websites, e.g. home page of the NCKU Library or BBC news, look for this XML or RSS RSS feed pictogram. Place the mouse cursor on one of the above pictograms and click the right mouse button, then choose "Copy Shortcut" to copy the channel/feed. Start your RSS reader and add the channel/feed by pasting (through clicking right mouse button) the url. Add as many feeds to your free RSS reader as you want and use it as convenient news aggregator.

For example, to subscribe to the latest news RSS channel of the Library, just find ( i.e on the library home page, copy it, and add it to you RSS Reader. You will be able to read the latest news as soon as they are announced.

Where to download and install RSS Reader?
  • Please download an appropriate reader and install it according to the instructions supplied.
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