Contact:Collection Management and Circulation Services Division|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65760 or 65763|Email
Interlibrary Loan Service:Periodical Division|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 65735 or 65742
Alumni Association Center of NCKU|Telephone(886)6-2757575 Ext. 81300
Service for

For NCKU Alumni only

Application:(You can select one way below to apply for it.)
  • NCKU alumni may apply for an Alumni Library Card with their original diploma, national ID card, and one recent photograph.
    1. Annual Library Card: NT$ 1000
    2. Lifetime Library Card: NT$ 5000
  • Lost or damage, provide your ID, one recent photo and NT$ 200 processing fee to the Circulation Desk for replacement.
Important Notes
  • It is necessary for the applicant to provide all required information in advance for application.
  • Alumni Library Card of NCKU for personal use only. Lending it to another person will be suspended all the library privileges for one month.
  • Scan the barcode of the alumni library card while entering the library.
  • The borrowing privileges for alumni library card holders are:

    Loan limit
    Loan Period
    10 items
    30 days

  • Alumni library cardholders can request articles through RapidILL service.
Application Form
© National Cheng Kung University Library. | No.1, University Road, Tainan 701401, Taiwan | TEL:(06)275-7575 ext.65760 FAX:(06)237-8232 | E-mail Last Update: 2025-02-07