書名 Title |
索書號 Call No. |
Accession No. |
Language |
緬甸的民主化發展分析 |
0005/301205/94M-4 |
1448628 |
Chinese |
經濟制裁之政經分析:緬甸個案研究 = The Political Economic Analysis of Economic Sanction:Case Study of Myanmar |
0005/301205/95M-11 |
1475352 |
Chinese |
An Evaluation of Relationships between Job Characteristics, Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance:An Empirical Study of Royal Thai Police H |
0005/349912/95M-4 |
1474099 |
Chinese |
中華民國的僑生教育 |
529.3/1145b/ |
1261411 |
Chinese |
回國升學僑生人數統計 |
529.3028/4020/86 |
1181703 |
Chinese |
招收海外僑生來臺升讀大學之研究 |
529.32/1044/v.1 |
1473887 |
Chinese |
僑生輔導手冊完整版 = Oversea compatriot affairs commission |
529.32/2126/96 |
1813407 |
Chinese |
留日華僑小史 |
577.23/3042 |
42376 |
Chinese |
泰國華僑志 |
577.2332/4424 |
70524 |
Chinese |
緬甸華僑教育 |
577.2336/7500 |
75045 |
Chinese |
探討東南亞僑生的政治文化:以印尼、馬來西亞、緬甸僑生為例 |
577.238/5324 |
1814013 |
Chinese |
緬甸華僑經濟 |
577.2381/0819 |
70494 |
Chinese |
緬甸華僑概況 |
577.2381/2124 |
682926 |
Chinese |
泰國華僑概況 |
577.2382/3442 |
682936 |
Chinese |
泰國的華僑 |
577.2382/5624 |
664261 |
Chinese |
泰國農民與華僑 |
577.2382/5657 |
664262 |
Chinese |
泰國華僑經濟 |
577.2382/8017 |
70499 |
Chinese |
緬甸志 |
667/1083(1)/v.52 |
160768 |
Chinese |
東南三國記 |
667/1083/v.13 |
90563 |
Chinese |
泰國 |
710.8/7946/v.19 |
1486601 |
Chinese |
泰國 |
719/4344/v.18 |
1153057 |
Chinese |
緬甸通鑑 |
730/0744/v.10 |
134315 |
Chinese |
緬甸的現狀與華僑 |
738.1/1114 |
262191 |
Chinese |
泰國:獨特的君主立憲制國家 |
738.2/2556 |
1482566 |
Chinese |
泰國的歷史與文化英文書目彙編 |
738.2021/7521 |
1278834 |
Chinese |
泰國 |
738.29/1053 |
983184 |
Chinese |
泰國 |
738.29/4428 |
971726 |
Chinese |
泰國 |
738.29/7534 |
1283312 |
Chinese |
辛西雅與梅道診所的故事:愛在泰緬邊境:緬甸德蕾莎的故事 |
783.818/4447 3042 |
1451692 |
Chinese |
泰國珍珠:普吉島 |
992/4422/v.42 |
1402080 |
Chinese |
The Burma road to poverty |
306.09591/M444 |
846176 |
English |
Thailand, Indonesia and Burma in comparative perspective |
320.459/Su52 |
1378715 |
English |
Burma:the challEnglishe of change in a divided society |
320.9591/B927 |
1050801 |
English |
The Burma-Yunnan railway:Anglo-French rivalry in mainland Southeast Asia and South Chinesena, 1895-1902 |
327/C361 |
1036066 |
English |
The overseas Chinesenese network:forms and practices in Southeast Asia |
330.0923951059/M289 |
1292584 |
English |
The Burma delta:economic development and social change on an Asian rice frontier, 1852-1941 |
330.9591/Ad19 |
1035991 |
English |
Thailand |
330.9593/Su18 |
1042806 |
English |
Thailand:coping with the strains of success |
338.9593/T326 |
876921 |
English |
Thailand and the Philippines:case studies in U.S. IMET training and its role in internal defense and development |
355.007073/T199b |
887815 |
English |
Burma under British rule--and before |
954/N631/v.1 |
1036041 |
English |
Burma under British rule--and before |
954/N631/v.2 |
1036042 |
English |
The development of self-rule and independence in Burma, Malaya and the Philippines:Burma by John F. Cady ; Malaya by Patricia G. Barnett ; The Philippines by S |
959.1/Am35 |
1036028 |
English |
Thailand:past and present |
959.3/T326 |
1036038 |
English |
The Thai monarchy |
959.304/T326/v.1 |
1300984 |
English |
The Thai government and economy |
959.304/T326/v.2 |
1300985 |
English |
The Thai people and culture |
959.304/T326/v.3 |
1300983 |
English |
Thailand and the Southeast Asian networks of the Vietnamese revolution, 1885-1954 |
959.703/G69 |
1295486 |
English |
Thailand's two general elections in 1992:democracy sustained |
959.9593/Su77 |
895728 |
English |
現代史の斷面.死の泰緬鐵道 |
210.75/4262c |
1961365 |
Japanese |
泰國農民と華僑:暹羅農村經濟調查を中心として |
319.102/4265/v.29 |
1362432 |
Japanese |