● 本期相關多媒體資料清單

資料名稱 Title 《水資源 Water to the last drop》

索書號 Call No. DVD/300/0000/1233
Accession No.
時間 Time 1 張影音光碟 (Time:54 min)
語文發音 Language 中文發音(Language:Chinese)
字幕 Subtitle 中文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese)

資料名稱 Title 《我們的水 Water, the drop of life》

索書號 Call No. DVD/554.61/2221/pt.1-6
Accession No.
時間 Time 6 張數位影音光碟 (Time:336 min)
語文發音 Language 中英文發音 (Language :Chinese, English)
字幕 Subtitle 中英文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese, English)

資料名稱 Title 《不願面對的真相 Inconvenient truth》

索書號 Call No. DVD/367/0010b
Accession No.
時間 Time 1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:96 min)
語文發音 Language 英文發音 (Language:English)
字幕 Subtitle 中、英、韓、泰、粵文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese, English, Korean, Thai, Cantonese)

資料名稱 Title 《第11個小時 The 11th hour》

索書號 Call No. DVD/367/8412
Accession No.
時間 Time 1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:88 min)
語文發音 Language 英、泰語發音 (Language:English, Thai)
字幕 Subtitle 中、英、韓、泰、印尼文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese, English, Korean, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia)

資料名稱 Title 《盧貝松之搶救地球 Home》

索書號 Call No. DVD/350/2643
Accession No.
時間 Time 1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:118 min)
語文發音 Language 中英文發音 (Language:Chinese, English)

字幕 Subtitle
中英文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese, English)
自人類出現在地球上的二十萬年以來,這個星球歷經近四十億年演化所建立起的平衡,不再井然有序。我們為此付出的代價太過高昂,但現在不是悲觀的時刻--人類還有十年能扭轉這股趨向、了解過去我們巧取豪奪地球豐饒資源的完整真相,並改變人類的消耗模式。國際攝影大師楊亞祖貝彤 (Yann Arthus-Bertrand) 為我們帶來他走訪超過五十個國家,全由空中俯瞰所拍攝的獨特畫面,分享他的驚奇與憂心,他的作品,立下一個我們必將共同重建的浩大工程基石。走遍超過 60 個國家,以客觀的角度闡述地球的誕生、演變以及地球現今所面臨的種種問題!國際知名攝影大師以一幕幕自然漂亮的畫面帶觀眾認識美麗的地球,並藉此宣揚環保的重要以及迫切性。

資料名稱 Title 《Tapped》

索書號 Call No. DVD/343.0924/T166
Accession No.
時間 Time 1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:76 min)
語文發音 Language 英語發音 (Language:English)
字幕 Subtitle 無字幕 (Subtitle:none)
Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right, or a commodity that should be bought and sold like any other article of commerce? Stephanie Soechtig's debut feature is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. From the producers of Who Killed the Electric Car and I.O.U.S.A., this timely documentary is a behind-the-scenes look into the unregulated and unseen world of an industry that aims to privatize and sell back the one resource that ought never to become a commodity: our water. From the plastic production to the ocean in which so many of these bottles end up, this inspiring documentary trails the path of the bottled water industry and the communities which were the unwitting chips on the table. A powerful portrait of the lives affected by the bottled water industry, this revelatory film features those caught at the intersection of big business and the public's right to water.

資料名稱 Title 《Flow for love of water》

索書號 Call No. DVD/343.0924/F669
Accession No.
時間 Time 1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:84 min)
語文發音 Language 英語發音 (Language:English)
字幕 Subtitle 英文字幕 (Subtitle:English)
Builds a case against the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel. Interviews with scientists and activists intelligently reveal the rapidly building crisis ... begging the question: Can anyone really own water?"--Container.

● 本期相關圖書資料清單

書名 Title 索書號 Call No. 登錄號 Accession No. 語文別 Language
原水水質及淨水場操作狀況對飲用水中含鋁量影響之研究 445.93/4436 1077023 Chinese
公元二○○○年飲用水水質與管理問題研討 445.2/7790 1274500 Chinese
飲用水水質標準總硬度與總溶解性固體合宜濃度之研究 445.2/7524 1278420 Chinese
簡易自來水水源及飲用水衛生調查與分析 : 臺中縣及南投縣 445.2/3138b 1278435 Chinese
日本之水資源 (1990 年版) : 其現狀之開發、保育與利用 554.61/5653 1278444 Chinese
簡易自來水水源及飲用水衛生調查 : 苗栗縣 445.2/5591 1278449 Chinese
台灣地區受污染飲用水井調查 443.8/0815b/v.2 1278543 Chinese
飲用水中有毒氯化物, 亞硝基與硝基化合物之成因探討與去除方法之研究 445.2/4423c/v.2 1278544 Chinese
先進國家飲用水管理制研究. I, 美國與日本 445.2/7526b/v.1/ 1278557 Chinese
簡易自來水水源及飲用水衛生調查(桃園縣)期末報告 445.2/5524 1278660 Chinese
水資源之開發、調配及管理專案調查研究報告 554.61/4426 1407983 Chinese
水 : 水資源的歷史、戰爭與未來 554.61/4413 1425209 Chinese
環境水樣中腸病毒檢測技術之建立及地下水、飲用水污染調查期末報告 445.2/0864 1453447 Chinese
推動深層海水資源利用與知識管理 = Promote the application and knowledge management of deep ocean water resources 554.61/7522 1468592 Chinese
知識型水利產業技術開發計畫 : 深層海水環境水質基本調查 = Development of knowledge based water industry technology : preliminary investigation of water quality in 443/2312b/v.2 1493822 Chinese
水資源保護(期刊) 架位號 04-9225 1619363 Chinese
別喝瓶裝水!? 463.841/6026 1862473 Chinese
水資源管理會刊 架位號 04-9230 Chinese
Water for human consumption :man and his environment 333.91/In8/1982/v.1 556062 English
Water for human consumption :man and his environment 333.91/In8/1982/v.2 556063 English
The politics of water :urban protest, gender, and power in Monterrey, Mexico 333.910097213/B439 1037473 English
The world's water :the biennial report on freshwater resources. 333.91/G4811998-99 1295253 English
The 4th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, March 4-5, 1998, Taiwan, R. O. C. : proceedings (supplementary vol 628.162/In8b/1998/suppl. 1316823 English
The world's water :the biennial report on freshwater resources. 333.91/G4812002-03 1374702 English
The institutional economics of water : a cross-country analysis of institutions and performance 333.91/Sa32 1388731 English
The evolution of national water regimes in Europe : transitions in water rights and water policies 333.91/Ev64 1705579 English
Water wars : privatization, pollution and profit 333.91/Sh69 1712521 English
Freshwater management : global versus local perspectives 333.9115/F892 1715826 English
Balancing water for humans and nature : the new approach in ecohydrology 333.91/F188 1716962 English
Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDL : porceedings of the 5-9 March 2005 Conference, Sheraton, Atlanta, Georgia. 333.91/W319/2005 1717411 English
Water governance for sustainable development 333.910096/W291 1719737 English
Blue revolution : integrated land and water resource management 333.91/C127-2 1719739 English
Institutions for water resources management in Europe 333.910094/In7/v.1 1719741 English
Institutions for water resources management in Europe 333.910094/In7/v.2 1719742 English
Comprehensive handbook on water quality analysis for distribution systems 333.91/L291 1722984 English
Frontiers in water resource economics 333.91/F928 1725953 English
Water for life : water management and environmental policy 333.91/W511 1727452 English
Water for sale : how business and the market can resolve the world's water crisis 333.91009172/Se37 1729835 English
Hydrology and water law : bridging the gap 333.91/H995 1730073 English
Enhancing participation and governance in water resources management : conventional approaches and information technology 333.91/En39 1730075 English
Governing water : contentious transnational politics and global institution building 333.91/C744 1730079 English
Managing water resources past and present 333.91/M311 1730097 English
Conflict prevention and resolution in water systems 333.91/C76 1730102 English
Blue gold : the battle against corporate theft of the world's water 333.91/B249 1730103 English
Handbook of water sensitive planning and design 333.91/H191 1730441 English
Introduction to watershed development : understanding and managing the impacts of sprawl 333.91/F844 1733348 English
Globalisation of water : opportunities and threats of virtual water trade 333.91/C365 1734910 English
Resource-oriented water management : towards harmonious coexistence between man and nature 333.9100951/W184-2 1742764 English
Blue gold : the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's water 333.91/B249b 1745535 English
Cost-benefit analysis and water resources management 333.91/C824 1767912 English
Principles of water law and administration : national and international 333.91/C173-2r 1768112 English
Water resources in the Middle East : Israel-Palestinian water issues : from conflict to cooperation 333.91/Is7/2004 1768114 English
Water in the macro economy : integrating economics and engineering into an analytical model 333.91/B663 1768939 English
Water resource economics and policy : an introduction 333.9100973/Sh28 1769043 English
Impact assessment of watershed development : issues, methods and experiences 333.9100954/Im7 1769530 English
Handbook of water resources in India : development, management, and strategies 333.9100954/H191 1779215 English
Water : a source of conflict or cooperation? 333.91/W291e 1781904 English
Conflict, cooperation and institutions in international water management : an economic analysis 333.91/D711 1781905 English
Spatial water management :supporting participatory planning and decision making 333.91/G644 1798693 English
Water in Celtic countries : quantity, quality and climate variability 333.910094/W291 2001106 English
Keeping the water flowing : understanding the role of institutions, incentives, economics, and entrepreneurship in ensuring access and optimising utilisation of 333.9100954/K255 2001329 English
International water security : domestic threats and opportunities 333.91/In8g 2001473 English
ケーススタディ :水資源 510/4417v.24 411749 Japanese
水資源のソフトサイエンス 518.12/2434 813091 Japanese
生活水資源の循環技術 = Management of the regional water resources 519/4114/v.2 1365252 Japanese
安心して水を利用できる社會の構築に向けて 517.21/6541/v.14 1961768 Japanese
水資源に關する日本の課題, 世界の課題 517.21/6541/v.16 1961770 Japanese