● 本期相關多媒體資料清單

《看不見的孩子 Invisible children》
索書號 (Call No.):DVD / 355.0083 / In8 登錄號 (Accession No.):86009159
英語發音, 英文字幕
(Language, Subtitle:English)
1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:55 min)

In the spring of 2003, three young Americans traveled to Africa in search of such a story. What they found was a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them. A story where children are the weapons, and children are the victims. The film exposes the effects of a 20 year-long war on the children of Northern Uganda. These children live in fear of abduction by rebel soldiers, and are being forced to fight as part of a violent army.

《恐怖主義下扭曲的童顏 Children of terror》
索書號 (Call No.):DVD / 542.265 / 1908 登錄號 (Accession No.):86005853
英語發音 (Language:English)
中英文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese, English)
1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:ca. 45 min)

We follow the stories of three children who were caught up in conflicts in Colombia, Kenya, and Afghanistan. Despite the horrors the children have experienced, they remain hopeful ...

《純真十一歲 Innocent voices》
索書號 (Call No.):DVD / 987.83 / 2542 登錄號 (Accession No.):86005048
西班牙語發音 (Language:Spanish)
中英文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese, English)
1 張數位影音光碟 (Time:111 min)

80 年代,薩爾瓦多政府軍和游擊隊發生內戰,漫延的烽火造成許多人流離失所。11歲的恰瓦(卡洛斯帕迪拉飾)因為父親離家,迫使他成為家中的支柱,必須打工賺錢來分擔母親(蕾奧娜華莉拉飾)的生活重擔。然而再過一年,他就要面臨政府軍的強制徵召,或是加入對抗政府軍的游擊隊,除此之外別無選擇。年紀雖小的他心中十分清楚:不論作何抉擇,都得承受被當作炮灰的命運。眼看12歲的生日就快到來,他和媽媽的心卻也越來越沉重…。生日終於來臨,政府軍也來抓人了!他還能有別條路可走嗎?他的人生會出現奇蹟嗎?!
Based on the true story of screenwriter Oscar Torres's embattled childhood, Luis Mandoki's Innocent Voices is the poignant tale of Chava (Carlos Padilla), an eleven-year-old boy who suddenly becomes the "man of the house" after his father abandons the family in the middle of a civil war.
During the '80s civil war in El Salvador, a young boy must become the "man" of the house after his dad splits.

《血鑽石 Blood diamond》
索書號 (Call No.):DVD / 987.83 / 2781 /  pt.1-2 登錄號 (Accession No.):86008822-3
英語發音 (Language:English)
中英韓泰印文字幕 (Subtitle:Chinese, English, Korean,
Thai, Indian)
2 張數位影音光碟 (Time:144 min)

n civil war–torn 1990s Sierra Leone, Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio), a South African mercenary, and Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou), a Mende fisherman, pursue a missing diamond of inestimable value that could, if found, change the courses of both of their lives.

● 本期相關圖書資料清單

書名 Title 索書號 Call No. 登錄號 Accession No.
語文別 Language
長路漫漫 : 非洲童兵回憶錄 786.668/6010/ 1827376 Chinese
A dirty war in West Africa : the RUF and the destruction of Sierra Leone 966.403/G259/ 1755203 English
A long way gone : memoirs of a boy soldier 966.404/B359/ 1755204 English
Armies of the young : child soldiers in war and terrorism 355.0083/R722/ 1755205 English
Child soldiers in Africa 355.083096/H759/ 1755206 English
Children and youth on the front line : ethnography, armed conflict and displacement 305.23/C437e/ 1755207 English
Children at war 355.0083/Si64/ 1755208 English
Girl soldier : a story of hope for northern Uganda's children 276.7610829/M146/ 1755209 English
Innocents lost : when child soldiers go to war 355.0083/B768/ 1755210 English
One day the soldiers came : voices of children in war 305.23086949/L846/ 1755211 English
Soldiers at peace : veterans and society after the civil war in Mozambique 305.90697/Sch14/ 1755212 English
Young soldiers : why they choose to fight 355.008351/B756/ 1755213 English